"DEFINITION OF RESTAURANT" PLACE WHERE WE CAN HAVE BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, OR COMPARE TAKEAWAY FOOD PROVIDES A SERVICE AND IS VERY USEFUL FOR EVERYONE. Establishment in which meals and drinks are offered for consumption on the spot. The restaurant is that establishment or trade in which customers are offered meals and drinks of various kinds for consumption on site, that is, people who attend a restaurant sit at the tables that this has available, choose what they want to eat and drink from a menu or a menu that is provided to them, they order it from a waiter or waitress, and once they are ready, the drinks and beverages are served at the table so they can consume the order right there. DESCRIPTION It is a pleasant place where to arrive we must greet depending on the time of day that is, to ask for something we ask for the favor and we thank for the service provided if it is the case we give tip. We should try to make nice comments, to...
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